Would you like to find a massage treatment that relieves joint and muscle pain? If so, you cannot miss out on the benefits of cupping.
If you have not heard of this innovative therapy, you’ll want to know more. To learn more about cupping, it helps to define it first.
You can find a cupping massager online on sites like Source Fitness.
What Is Cupping?
Cupping is a therapy that is used to increase circulation, enhance mobility, and flex the muscles and joints. While it may sound like a recent invention, it really is an ancient practice. In fact, the ancient Egyptians used cupping back in 1,500 BC. The practice is described in the ancient medical text, the Ebers Papyrus.
The idea behind cupping is creating a vacuum for suctioning. The vacuum and air inside the cup produces a suction that causes your blood vessels to expand and raises the skin. You can place one or more cups to treat different areas of your body. Using more than one cup creates an alternating type of massage
Using a Cupping Set and Massager
The portable cupping set and device features a smart massage, dynamic suctioning, and red light therapy. Red light therapy is a nice perk as it aids in reducing inflammation and pain. A personal set comes with one cupping massager. However, as noted, you can use more than one cup.
Using a rhythmic application, the suction and release system of even a compact device increases blood flow while speeding up the time for recovery. The Smart Massage feature provides 5 modes of suction at 5 levels of intensity. It’s like having your own personal massage therapist. The therapy is tailor made.
Using this type of massager allows you to set the cupping time from a second to 12 minutes and allows you to control 6 cuppers, if you so wish, simultaneously. Cupping creates a myofascial release, which is important, as the myofascial bands represent the membranes that support, wrap, and connect your primary muscles and joints.
How Cupping Leads to Better Health
By using a portable massager and cupping device, you make massage pleasant and easy. Cupping improves 3 main areas of body functioning because it directly massages the muscles and increases blood flow.
1. Improved Circulatory Health
When you use cupping to boost the flow of blood, you automatically improve muscle health. This form of massage reduces feelings of numbness and prevents problems with tissue death. When you boost circulation, synchronous and miraculous things begin to happen.
That’s because you have more oxygen circulating throughout your body. As a result, your organs function better and healing is faster. The brain is sharper, your heart works better, and your skin takes on a healthier glow.
2. Increased Mobility and Enhanced Aerobic Performance
When your muscles work better, so do the joints. Because cupping triggers a myofascial release, it treats the muscle and the band that connects it with other muscles and joints. In turn, you can walk and move more easily, which supports a better quality of life. When this happens, you improve aerobically and naturally enhance your overall health.
3. Better Flexibility and Added Energy
By using cupping, tasks that involve stooping and bending become easier to do. You feel more energetic during the day because your flexibility improves.
Just like the ancients, it’s easy to see the wisdom in using cupping to enjoy better health. A cupping set is both portable and compact, so the device is the ideal recovery tool. You can use the equipment to treat the muscles of the back, shoulder, calves, hamstrings, and hips.
Use a Portable Cupping Set Just about Anywhere
You don’t have to confine cupping to home use. With a portable machine, you can use the equipment after a workout, during a lunch hour, or while traveling. Cupping is not just about recovery, it also is designed to ensure the user feels their best physically and mentally.