HomeEducationInfront or In front – Which is Correct?

Infront or In front – Which is Correct?

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English is a very complex knowledge. Even a space between two words and change the meaning of the word or can determine if it is correct or not.

For example – “infront” or “in front” these two words have the same spelling and pronunciation but the space between them makes one correct and the other wrong.

In this article, we will learn about the correct spelling, meaning, and usage of Infront or In front.

Infront vs In front | Infront or In front


·        Meaning of In front

It is the ideal way to write the term “in front” in this context. The prepositional phrase “in front” indicates “opposite in position or situation.” It can also mean “at a position that allows it to be seen or identified.” Synonyms for “in front of” include “earlier,” “leading,” “ahead,” and “forward.” At the same time, there are antonyms such as behind, after, and so on.


1.            Kindly stand in front of the camera so that I can capture you.

2.            The cat is drinking milk in front of Mr. John’s door.

3.            The students are ordered to writing materials in front of their desks.

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·        Meaning of Infront

There is no such word in the English language dictionary. However, the error in this word results from combining the preposition “in” and the noun “front” as a single word rather than allowing space between them. It is the incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is “in front”.

Therefore you must use “in Front” in your sentence rather than “infront”.


1.            The cook is infront of customers and talking about his recipe. (incorrect).

2.            My house is located infront of the famous cinema hall in Delhi. (incorrect).

3.            Don’t stand infront of my gate or I will complain about you (incorrect).

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The last words

Hope this article is helpful and informative. The relationship between “Infront” and “In front” demonstrates how the English language is distinct and adheres to specific standards. However, there is no such word as “infront” (without a space) in the English lexicon, even though “in front” is the correct term. Therefore it is very important to know about correct spelling and use the word accordingly.

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