HomeEducationGenious or Genius- Which is Correct?

Genious or Genius- Which is Correct?

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In the English language, many words are similar in spelling and pronunciation and make us confused much time.

Genious or Genius also comes in the category of these confusing words. If we go through both the spellings, we can see that the major difference between Genious and Genius is the absence of ‘o’.

In this article, we will discuss these two words, their meanings, and their usage in the spellings.

Genious or Genius

·        Meaning of Genius

Genius is an adjective which use to denote a person who has extraordinary skills in a particular field. We can call a person genius who has exceptional talent or creativity in what they do. It is a good word to appreciate any person in his work. The synonyms of Genius word are Brilliant, Brainy, intellect, Master, etc.

The term “genius” has multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are a few common interpretations of the word:

  1. Extraordinary Intellectual Ability
  2. Remarkable Talent or Skill
  3. Inventiveness or Ingenuity
  4. Prodigy or Child Genius
  5. General Brilliance or Excellence

Examples of Genius

•             Rohan is a genius boy.

•             I see a genius in Preeti.

•             Einstein was one of the best Genius in the world.

•             We’re genius in cooking.

•             Tom is a genius in Math.

•             Her son is a genius at driving.

•             Richa thinks she’s a genius.

The antonyms of Genius are stupid, Dunce, Weak, illiterate, etc.

·        Meaning of Genious

Genious is frequently a misspelling or an old spelling of “Genius.” Because of the way the decisive word is uttered, the error occurs. In both British and American English, the phonetic transcription of Genius is Genious. If you look at these transcriptions, you’ll notice that it’s very similar to “Genius.”


•             I don’t know any Genious in this class till now. (incorrect)

•             Being a genious will get you to get success in your career. (incorrect)

•             A genious is a person who has extraordinary skills in his work. (incorrect)

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Hope this article was informative and helpful for you to know the right spelling of Genius. Studying and keeping in mind that “Genious” is the incorrect word and “Genius” is the proper word is the best technique to determine the correct word between these two words. Genius is the right spelling and Genious is the misspelling of genius.

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