HomeFoodDifference between Tomato Puree and Tomato Paste

Difference between Tomato Puree and Tomato Paste

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In this blog we are going to tell you about Difference between Tomato Puree and Tomato Paste, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.


Since tomato puree and tomato paste are two different products due to the method of cooking and preparation but share the same culinary ingredients. The tomatoes are prepared differently to produce both the tomato puree and paste. Tomato puree can be made from tomato paste that happily mixes into a puree but a puree does not mix up into a paste. The consistency of the paste is much thicker thus, takes a longer cooking process as compared to the puree. Also, it retains its shape when dropped on a plate whereas the tomato puree does not remain in one spot as it is more liquid and runs over the plate.  Both tomato puree and paste are associated with Italian cooking and are essential ingredients for many great dishes.  

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What is Tomato Puree?

Tomato puree is the liquid of lightly cooking tomatoes where pips are removed and the mild fresh flavor of tomatoes is left with tasty consistency. It does not have thick consistency as tomato paste but acts as a great enhancer for various dishes. In order to create variety in stews and other dishes, tomato puree can be added with spices and other flavors. Due to low concentration, it does not require too much cooking time. If you need a tomato base with extra liquid and no paste then tomato puree is the best option to add flavor to different dishes. Also, it is used to add volume and flavor to many savory dishes and certain specialty foods.

What is Tomato Paste?

Tomato Paste is an ingredient used for cooking which takes longer to cook. It is a better option for spreading its flavor than a puree thus it is cooked several times to reach the paste consistency. For adding the strength of flavor and intensity of tomato, tomato paste has a firm consistency.  Chefs use it especially to add tomato flavoring to savory dishes. Tomato paste can be watered down to make tomato puree.

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Difference between Tomato Puree and Tomato Paste

  • Consistency – Tomato paste is a thicker concentrate of tomato as compared to tomato puree. Both tomato paste and puree have different cooking processes and they are equally used to add flavor and spice in certain dishes. The two tomato based flavorings are very different in their consistency; the puree version is not easy to spread because it is more liquid and tomato paste has high concentrated strength.  
  • Method of Cooking – Tomato paste is cooked slowly as it has more strength of flavor than a puree that is lightly cooked for a shorter time.
  • Flavors – Both tomato paste and puree have a tomato flavor but the paste retains a stronger flavor. Depending on the water added, puree can vary in the intensity of the NTSS volume.
  • Freezing and Storage – Both tomato based products can be stored and used from the freezer for convenience. Top chefs recommend freezing the tomato paste in a way of scooping blobs that are frozen and can be easily stored in a plastic container. When required, a blob or two taken out of the freezer bag to be used to add tomato flavor to a dish.  Chefs recommend storing tomato puree in zip lock plastic bags due to its consistency.  Freeze the puree in the bag and use it when required in recipes.  

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Bottom Line

Both tomato paste and puree have many differences based on their consistency, intensity of flavor and cooking time. The paste has a stronger flavor and thicker consistency. Although both products come from tomatoes, they are used for different purposes in certain dishes.

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