People often get confused with homophones (words that sound alike) while writing the spelling because of the way it sounds. The same thing happens with the words ‘due to or do to’ as you might not notice the difference while speaking but you might get confused while writing it.
The word ‘due’ can serve as an adjective or a noun depending on the context of usage while ‘do’ is always an auxiliary verb that is used in interrogative sentences.
So in this article, I will explain to you the difference between Due to or do to words and help you understand their appropriate uses in the sentences.
Due to Vs Do to
· Meaning of Due to
‘Due to’ is used to present the reason for the noun. It could also mean ’caused by or because of’.
We changed the door due to the requirement of more safety.
The team’s success was certainly due to their coach.
I was happy due to my brother as he planned so much for me.
Due to his financial needs, he works day and night.
· Meaning of Do to
‘Do to’ is most often used as a misspelling of the correct word. In trying to show the reason for something, people often get confused and misplace the word for one another. But remember that for showing reason the correct word which is used is ‘due to’.
Due to heavy rain, our school declared a holiday today. (incorrect)
My father fell do to slippery ground. (incorrect)
The construction work of the building stopped do to the sudden death of the owner. (incorrect)
We shifted here do to the lack of facilities in our old house. (incorrect)
How to remember the correct word?
You can use the word ‘do’ only in the sentences as a verb but ‘do to’ together is considered as the misspelling of ‘due to’.
On the other hand the correct word ‘due to’ represents the reason for something that happened so always remember that ‘due to’ is the correct spelling and pronunciation.If you want to use these words correctly read this blog to get the correct usage of Due to or do to.
The Final Words
Some words in the English language can confuse you with their pronunciation and this leads to spelling mistakes. So always try to pronounce the word correctly so that neither you nor your listeners will get the word incorrectly.
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I hope this article has cleared all your doubts related to the use of ‘due to or do to‘.