HomeLifestyleHow to Eliminate Pet Odors in 5 Simple Steps

How to Eliminate Pet Odors in 5 Simple Steps

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Do you want to get rid of unpleasant pet odors in your home?

You can’t quite put your finger on it…but there’s a smell… And it’s not just in one room; it’s all over the house!

Maybe the people who came before you had a stinky pet, or maybe it’s your pet. Knowing how to eliminate pet odors is vital for any renter or homeowner.

Here is an ultimate guide to help you keep your home smelling great all year!

1. Clean Your Pet’s Bed

Your pet has a bed it enjoys snuggling on. That could be the main cause of odor woes in your home. Pet beds carry saliva, dirt, hair, dander, and urine.

Start by taking the pet’s bed cover and tossing it into the washing machine. For effective cleaning of the pet’s bed, look into the proper instructions on cleaning the bed given by the manufacturer.

Different pet beds are cleaned differently. It all depends on the manufacturer. You’ll come across some machines washed, and others air-dried. Make sure to check the bed’s tag for further instructions.

Cleaning your pet’s bed will also help prevent possible pet diseases.

2. Give Your Pet a Bath

The source of your pet’s odor may be the pet itself.

Grooming and bathing your pet will be different depending on your pet’s type. Cats are less receptive to baths compared to dogs.

If your pet needs a bath, make sure to follow safe pet bathing tips. This will help ensure your pet’s fur remains intact.

You not only get rid of the odor when you clean your pet but also help shed fleas and ticks. Pet grooming will help you identify any underlying health conditions your pet might have.

If you’re occupied and don’t have time to clean your pet, take it to a professional.

3. Clean Pet Items

Pets have tons of items of their own such as: collars, pillows, toys and bowls. It is necessary to clean these items regularly.

Some of these items can be cleaned by hand, while others will require to be cleaned using a machine.

4. Air the Whole House

Airing your house frequently should be the first thing to do when trying to do away with pet smells. Open all the doors and windows. This will allow clean air to circulate freely in all the rooms.

This won’t eliminate the odor source since the problem requires a little more care. Combining these with all the other possible ways will allow your efforts to be effective. After you air out the odor, use a diffuser around pets.

While you have your doors and windows opened, ensure your pet is safe. This will prevent it from running out.

5. Sweep and Vacuum

Pets are more likely to be shedding on your floors, carpets, and furniture. Pet hair and fur blow around when the air conditioner is on. So, there’s a chance you have piles of fuzz collecting in your house, especially around the pets.

Sweeping and vacuuming all your floors and carpets will help effectively eliminate the fur, hair, and bad odor.

You Now Know How to Eliminate Pet Odors

Eliminating pet odor might be challenging, but the above-listed pet odor elimination tips will make the work easier. Now that you know how to eliminate pet odors, what’s stopping you? Let’s get your home smelling fresh again!

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