HomeTipsHow to Improve Your Point-of-Purchase Displays

How to Improve Your Point-of-Purchase Displays

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According to research, most consumers admit that they make purchases at retail stores based on impulse buys.

If a product catches their eye, they end up making a purchase even if they weren’t initially looking to buy that product.

While it’s not always possible to change the products on your shelves, you can control how your products are presented on point-of-purchase displays.

Here are some tips to help you create attractive displays:

Locate Your Products Strategically

Select the right product for the display. This means choosing products that match the theme or style of your store. For example, if your store is geared towards fashion, select clothing items that represent this theme.

Choose merchandising items that complement the product you are displaying. Place larger, more expensive items at the front of the display and smaller, less expensive items at the back. This will give shoppers a sense of value and encourage them to buy more products.

Display seasonal items prominently during festive seasons. For example, place Christmas items near the front of your display during November and December.

Making a Strong First Impression

Designing an eye-catching custom point-of-purchase display can be tricky, but there are a few key tips to follow that will help make your product look its best. First, think about the personality of your business. Is it a casual restaurant with a laid-back vibe or a more professional establishment?

This will determine the type of decoration and signage you should use.

Another key factor to consider is the location of your store. Do you have a busy section that needs extra attention, or are there areas that could use some refurbishment? Once you’ve determined these factors, start thinking about what type of displays would work best in each scenario.

Graphics also plays an important role. Use fresh, high-quality graphics that reflect your brand’s image. Use appealing typography and layout elements that will draw attention to your products. 

You can also use colorful plastic extrusions to make your design a unique point-of-purchase display.

Measuring Success

You can do a few things to measure the success of your point-of-purchase display. These include measuring customer satisfaction and how much money you make from the sales.

Customer satisfaction is important because it shows that customers are happy with what they bought and feel like they got their money’s worth. You can also look at how many sales per day, as this will tell you how successful your display was in getting people to buy items.

How to Make Your Point-Of-Purchase Displays Pop?

You can do a few things to improve your shop’s point-of-purchase displays. First and foremost, be sure to create a visually appealing, informative, and engaging display.

Try incorporating catchy tag lines, graphics, and images to capture potential customers’ attention. Additionally, ensure all pertinent information is easily accessible to customers so they don’t have to waste time searching for it.

If you want to read more tips and guides about business strategies, be sure to check out the rest of our blog today!

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