Seperate and Separate are two words that are easy to misspell because of their similarity in spelling and pronunciation. But you have to be thoughtful before using these two words as one of these is correct spelling while the other does not even exist.
So, today in this article I will explain to you the difference between these two words and help you understand the usage of the correct word and how you can remember the correct word.
Separate Vs Seperate
· Meaning of Separate
The word ‘Separate’ can be an adjective, noun, or verb depending on the context of usage. Separate means to remove something from the rest or to keep something apart from the rest. It could also mean dividing into the same or different elements.
I forgot to separate my old clothes from the cupboard.
My punishment was to sit separately from my friends.
I have separated the red and the yellow flowers from the basket.
I keep my personal and professional life separate.
· Meaning of Seperate
The word ‘Seperate’ is a misspelling of the correct word. In fact there is no such word like Seperate in the English dictionary. As the spelling of ‘Seperate’ and ‘Separate’ is approximately similar so people often write it incorrectly.
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As this word doesn’t exist so it is not used in sentences but however you may find it misspelled in many sentences.
Seperate the students as per the classes. (Incorrect)
People often think that seperation is the only way to live happily. (Incorrect)
I think you people should not get seperated as you are made for each other. (Incorrect)
He keeps his stuff seperate from his brother. (Incorrect)
How to remember the correct word?
The word ‘Separate’ with the letter ‘a’ after ‘p’ is the correct one while the other word ‘Seperate’ with the letter ‘e’ after ‘p’ is the incorrect one. The best way to remember the difference is to keep in mind that the word with two ‘a’ after ‘p’ which means ‘Separate’ is the correct word while the other word doesn’t exist.
The Final Tip
The English language often creates confusion with the spelling and pronunciation of the word so it is always better to check the dictionary before using the words which sound like homophones or which create confusion in spelling.
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I hope this article helped you in understanding the difference between the two words and has cleared all your doubts.