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Smitesource: Get All The Details on Smitesource Here!

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In the modern era, people are becoming more and more addicted to online games. Mainly the young generation is involved in online games and they play them all the time. Smitesource plays an important role in the success of every player as they answer everything that you need to know. So if you are also looking for a site that provides you all the information while playing Smite, then Smitesource is the best site that offers you with a lot of resources and also helps you in finding the best build designs for your character. It is a great resource for both beginners as well as experienced players as they can also interact with other players to know more about the game and strategies. Continue reading the article to know more about Smitesource, its features, and how you can use it easily.

What is Smitesource?

Smitesource is a mythological being that is famous for a variety of mythologies as well as they possess different abilities. These distinct abilities possessed by smite sources enhance as they progress through their levels. With the progress in levels, they grow stronger due to which they gain power, strength, abilities, intelligence, and armor. Moreover, they also have obtained new items and abilities like spells, relics, and spells that they cannot approach without having to level up or which they can find on the internet. In smite source the players play the role of gods and think of strategic choices so that they can win from the gods of the opponent. In addition to this, the players can fight against each other in different short-term competitions. In single-player games, AI opponents have progressively higher difficulty settings complete with each other.

Generally, the main site menu for the building has access to two principal screens where the player gets the option of the mode in which they have to select one. Modes suggested by the site menu are Arena, Conquest, or Joust. The arena is the primary PVP mode of this game where you fight one-on-one and you have to bring the health of each player to zero before starting. Conquest offers several capture points that teams are required to secure the points while fighting with opponents. Joust is a two-player game in which players have to face off the opponent on horses and knock one another’s horses first. The single-player game provides a wide range of training battles against AI gods so that beginner players can learn the basics before fighting against human opponents.

History and Development of Smitesource

Smitesource was launched in closed beta on 31 May 2012. Then on 1 June 2012, it became an open beta. Smite is a multiplayer online combat arena (MOBA) video game that was developed and released by Hi-Rez Studios. It was developed for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation, on 4, and later for iOS and Android devices as well. The game was first introduced in North America on 25 March 2014. It is considered different in the genre because of its third-percent perspective and different active abilities in comparison with other MOBAs. While several other games have a top-down design or are aerometric.

While you are using Smitesource, it is like a view from behind your character. You can easily face someone like Sobek who changes into Fenrir and attacks you with his weapon of choice which is a ranged spear. Smite has a myriad of playable characters and certain characters can be melee. Other ranged attackers’ tanks impose a lot of damage on other teammates and also help players who help their team to gain advantages by buffing or healing their abilities.

SmiteSource Developers

This real-time action game is developed by Titan Forge Games and Hi-Rez Studios is the organization that is responsible for the release of this game. In addition, this game is accessible from several devices including PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4.

You will enjoy this fun game due to the variety of characters. Each character is unique and has a story to make it more interesting.

The Features of Smitesource

One of the best features of Smitesource is that the site lets you search through various characters and you can choose one that fits your style of play. Another great advantage of using it is that you can look up the most current information regarding game updates. There is also new content to make sure that you are aware of the updates. Moreover, there’s a forum page where users can talk to other gamers and ask for assistance. If you are unable to understand what to do, look through the articles in the forum that are filled with great advice. Also, Smitesource is an all-in-one resource for everything on the website you’ll find everything from the most popular designs for all gods to guides on how to start with the game. With the help of forums, players can talk to fellow players or ask questions regarding the mechanics and techniques of the game. The layout is also simple to navigate, and searchable by just entering the god name or type of role. No matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced player, you can use this website easily and it is worth exploring for those who love the MOBA genre.

What characters are available in SmiteSource?

In the game, characters are usually smaller in terms of size and power in comparison to gods. Their use differs and they usually have lower health points and deliver some boost to the god that a player is. They also act as tanks for players of other types when required. Gods have different kinds in relation to the difficulty to be that god. There are four kinds of rarity and each god has talents, strengths, weaknesses, and abilities that you can see on smite build. Smite build provides new players with complete insights into the game so that they can know certain characters are more suitable than others.

Another thing is that your character depends on your style of play and the desired role in the game. A good way to think about the several gods is to identify the ones that will best suit your requirements in the game and then classify them into three types. Guardians help teammates from the backline by providing them defensive bonuses and an area of safety for spellcasters by stopping the fire from the other targets. Heroes can cause severe harm as they can access robust defense systems. This is the reason, heroes are effective in team combat and solo fighting against their enemies.

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How can you play Smitesource?

If you also love the MOBA genre then you’ve probably been familiar with Smitesource. Smitesource is a completely free-to-play online multiplayer online combat arena (MOBA) video game that is loved by all game lovers. This game was developed and released through Hi-Rez Studios for Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and other devices. The players can choose from a range of gods, and then join fights in a session.  You can use custom-made strategies and powers against your enemies and other players. If you also want to become a pro in Smite or learn about how to play the latest game then SmiteSource is the best website to explore.

The website aims to become a complete source for fans of smite and allows them to meet and discuss any topic related to smite regardless of whether they want to talk about instructional guides or strategy. Some of the reasons players prefer to discuss this is because of their huge database on how to play the video game. There is also live streaming of professionals from all over the world. Some forums enable users to discuss their opinions on the latest update, and you can build designs created by players that could be shared with friends via their accounts pages. You will also get an active chat room in which players can make new acquaintances who have similar interests and talk about the game.

Alternatives to Smitesource

In case, you are looking for similar sites to Smitesource then here are the top alternatives to Smitesource as mentioned below:

  • Smite Guru

If you think Smite Source is best then forget this, Smite Guru is one of the most popular and best sites that one should check out for all Smite things. Smite. Guru has tons of builds, ranked ladders as defined by the community, stats, and data about the Gods, like win rates, talents, etc. While using Smiteguru, you can get an idea of who is performing well, what they are playing, and what builds they are taking up by checking the ranking as it shows the ranking of the best players on different platforms.

  • Smite Fire

SmiteFire is another great alternative to Smitesource in every way. Unlike Smitesource, it provides builds that are stat-based and not builds made at random. It functions as both a database and stats-gathering site and provides the most unique features to the players. In addition to this, it supports a huge amount of community-contributed builds and offers a wide variety of builds, as well as statistics, community-approved tier lists, and god-related data like victory rates, talents, and many more things to explore.

  • Gestal GG

Gestal.GG, which was formerly known as Smite Pro Builds, is a tool for the Smite community that provides easy access to builds of professional players. You are going to like this site even though it isn’t as famous as Smite Source or provides as much charisma as SmiteFire does but it still is a good alternative. The site automatically displays the builds that SPL players used just by using the search option and the filters enable you to find the god, opponent, role, and league that you’re looking for.

  • Zathong

What makes Zathong a great alternative to Smitesource is the distinctive feature that it hosts a large number of community-collected builds along with serving as a stat collection website and database. It offers players around the world general information about the games they are looking for. You can also appreciate this site for maintaining the Smite builds and guidelines and it will also help you in creating the ideal god build for the Meta. You’ll also like its user interface, which is very simple to use and allows you to construct your own guide and deity concept.

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The bottom line

Smitesource is a free-to-play online game that takes you to an expansive world where you will see different gods and champions, daily quests, and ongoing updates. If you are also a game lover and want to become a pro player then you can also explore the Smitesource website to learn strategies and chat with other players. We hope that you found this guide helpful and now you are also ready to explore Smitesource.

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