HomeLifestyleWhat Are The Different Ways Of Washing Reusable Pads?

What Are The Different Ways Of Washing Reusable Pads?

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Reusable pads can be hand washed or machine-washed, but they should be washed after use to prevent bacteria that could lead to infections. Wash reusable pads in cool or warm water and use a mild detergent. After hand washing, store the pads flat and out of direct sunlight. However, if stained, you can wash them in a washing machine on a delicate cycle.

Machine or hand wash

The choice between machine or hand washing for reusable pads depends on the pad type. If the pad is particularly stained, it may be difficult to remove, but soaking it in a solution of bicarb soda and water can help. You can also use water-soluble tee tree oil, eucalyptus oil or white vinegar to treat stains.

Reusable pads can be hand-washed, or machine washed, but only if you soak them in water for a long time. Cold water is ideal, but a long soaking may be necessary. Always remember to follow washing instructions carefully. When washing reusable pads, please don’t use any detergent with fragrances, bleaches or fabric softeners, and never wash them in hot water.

If you wash reusable pads in a machine, always rinse them well. Rinse your pads thoroughly in cold water before putting them into the washer to avoid stains. Do not use any fabric softeners or other chemicals when washing your reusable pads – these products will leave residue and affect their absorbency. Avoid bleach, too.

Use a mild detergent.

There are several ways to wash reusable pads of Juju Australia. First, it is important to remove any stains that may have accumulated. To do so, you can use a mild detergent. However, make sure to rinse it thoroughly before using it. It will prevent it from leaving any residue that may harm your reusable pads. Next, you need to add 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to the rinse water. If this option does not work, you can try using vinegar.

When washing reusable pads, it is essential to keep in mind that the pad’s absorbency increases with every washing. Hemp sanitary pads typically reach their full absorbency after about five to ten washes. To avoid soaking your reusable pads in hot water, you can pre-wash them first. The process of washing will fluff the fibres, making them more absorbent.


The most effective way to wash reusable pads is by soaking them in cold water. Add a few drops of lemon juice or white vinegar to the soaking water. You can also add essential oils like lavender, tea tree, and eucalyptus oil to the soaking water. These scents will help the sanitary pads smell fresh and clean.

Pre-soaking sanitary pads make washing easier and less time-consuming. However, changing the soaking water every day is crucial to avoid leaving soap residue. You should also avoid adding fabric softeners to the reusable pads, as they can reduce the fabric’s absorbency. Using bleach, in contrast, may damage the waterproof material of the pads. You should also avoid using detergents with bleach, as it can harm the material.

You can use a variety of detergents to wash cloth pads. Seventh Generation, Ecos, and similar detergents are safe to use. Bleach and fabric softener can ruin the waterproof barrier and destroy the PUL layers of the pads. Never dry reusable cloth pads in a super-hot setting. Dry them completely before putting them away. You can even put them in a wet bag to prevent stains and damage.


The first step in properly caring for reusable pads is washing them regularly. If they are soiled, wash them right away. Consider separating them from other items, like a towel, because the contaminated material may cause a bacterial infection. Use warm water and detergent to wash them, and then air-dry on low heat. When reusable pads come out of the washer, they can smell musty or like a damp towel. However, this unpleasant smell will dissipate once they have been completely dried. Remember, you can dry your reusable pads on a clothesline or dryer. Drying is a crucial step in proper hygiene. It keeps reusable pads clean and fresh and reduces the amount of waste you produce when using disposable products.

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