The English dictionary has many words which spell almost similar but have completely different spellings.
Even if a single letter is different it also changes the whole meaning of the word.
Similarly, When you observe the words Advize or Advice or Advise closely you will find that the only difference between these words is change in a single alphabet.
According to the English dictionary, the word Advice is a noun, Advise is a verb and Advize is an old spelling of advise that is not used in current time.
In this article I will make you understand the meaning of these words and the difference between the words Advice or Advise or Advize.
Advice vs Advise vs Advize
· Meaning of Advice
Advice is often confused with the word Advise. Advice is treated as a noun in a sentence. It means to give opinion or guidance about doing things assuming the situation.
You should take his advice as you both are working in the same company.
No one is forcing you to take his advice, you just need to think about it once.
My advice will be worthless to you.
· Meaning of Advise
The word for Advise is treated as a verb in The English dictionary. The meaning of both the words Advice and Advise is almost the same. Advise means “To provide someone with a recommendation on an important issue”.
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You are advised to drop your plans for the Goa conference.
I think you should work as you are advised to.
I advise you to come to me whenever you get into any problem.
· Meaning of Advize
My device showed a red line under the word Advize, which means it is incorrect. The word Advize doesn’t exist in the English dictionary. It is often considered as a misspell of Advice or Advise due to change in a single alphabet ‘c’ or ‘s’ in the word.
Please, I think I don’t need your advize.
I wanted your advize not your orders.
Your Advize doesn’t matter to people.
The final words
If you still get confused with the words Advice, Advise or Advize I will recommend you to check the meaning of the words in the English dictionary while making sentences.
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I hope this article was helpful and it cleared all your doubts. Now you will be able to recognize these words and make sentences from these words.